Hilton Herbs, Natural Supplements, Natural Support Supplements, Lady Gouldian Finch Supplies
Products 1-10 of 10
Availability: In Stock
Item #: hilton-herbs-vita-min-plus -

Vita-Min Plus Hillton Herbs natural source of Vitamins - Avian Vitamins - Bird Supplies

Price: $41.48

A completely natural and balanced source of vitamins, anti-oxidants, minerals, trace elements, and amino acids. Vita-Min Plus is formulated using only plants, herbs, seeds, roots, flowers and...

A completely natural and balanced source of vitamins, anti-oxidants, minerals, trace elements, and amino acids. Vita-Min Plus is formulated using only plants, herbs, seeds, roots, flowers and natural ingredients to provide your birds with a balanced blend of essential nutrients. Vitamins A, Beta Carotene, B1 (Thiamin), B2 (Riboflavin), B3 (Niacin), B5 (Pantothenic acid), B6 (Pyridoxine), B9 (Folic acid), and H or B7 (Biotin), B12, C, D, E, K, and P (Rutin)20 Amino AcidsAnti-oxidantsOver 60...

Availability: Out of Stock
Item #: hilton-herbs-detox-gold-8oz -

De-Tox Gold - Hilton Herbs Milk Thistle & Dandelion Liver Detox - Avian Medications - Natural Remedy

Price: $19.41

Milk Thistle & Dandelion Liver Detox Natural Avian Remedy - Liver Support Avian Medication Use De-Tox Gold for all birds when they may need that extra bit of support and this tried-and-tested herbal...

Milk Thistle & Dandelion Liver Detox Natural Avian Remedy - Liver Support Avian Medication Use De-Tox Gold for all birds when they may need that extra bit of support and this tried-and-tested herbal formula will help your birds maintain healthy liver and kidney function all year round. We particularly recommend using this mix as a Spring detox, in conjunction with any conventional medication or with your routine worming programme. Liver functionLiver cell renewalDigestive functionLymphatic...

Availability: Out of Stock
Item #: hilton-herbs-airways-gold-250ml -

Airways Gold - Hilton Herbs herbal support for healthy Respiration in Birds and Poultry - Natural Remedy

Price: $18.45

DE-TOX GOLD Herbal Supplement to support the respiratory system Natural Avian Remedy - Respiratory Support Avian Medication Liver functionLiver cell renewalDigestive functionLymphatic systemKidney...

DE-TOX GOLD Herbal Supplement to support the respiratory system Natural Avian Remedy - Respiratory Support Avian Medication Liver functionLiver cell renewalDigestive functionLymphatic systemKidney functionUrinary system Use De-Tox Gold for all birds when they may need that extra bit of support and this tried-and-tested herbal formula will help your birds maintain healthy liver and kidney function all year round. We particularly recommend using this mix as a Spring detox, in conjunction with...

Availability: In Stock
Item #: hilton-herbs-immunity-plus -

Immunity Plus - Hilton Herbs herbal Immunity system builder - Natural Remedy - Support Supplement

Price: $22.47

IMMUNITY PLUS: Herbal Rememedy for building the Immune system Avian Natural Remedies - Immune Support Avian Medications Strong natural immunity Fast recovery rates Resistance to infection...

IMMUNITY PLUS: Herbal Rememedy for building the Immune system Avian Natural Remedies - Immune Support Avian Medications Strong natural immunity Fast recovery rates Resistance to infection Anti-oxidant levels Efficient lymphatic system Production and renewal of white blood cells Resistance to effects of stress Mineral, trace element and vitamin levels We recommend using Immunity Plus at any time when your birds may be under additional stress such as racing, travelling, showing, rearing or when...

Availability: In Stock
Item #: hilton-herbs-super-fit-8oz -

Super Fit - Hilton Herbs Liquid herbal feed supplement for help with stamina, endurance, and recovery - Avian Medication

Price: $19.95

Super Fit Herbal supplement for stamina Natural Avian Remedy - Strength and endurance Avian Medication Specifically formulated for use during training and competition. Contains herbs known for their...

Super Fit Herbal supplement for stamina Natural Avian Remedy - Strength and endurance Avian Medication Specifically formulated for use during training and competition. Contains herbs known for their ability to help maintain: StaminaUptake of oxygen cellsEffective removal of lactic acid from the cellsDetox of waste productsStrong immunityClear, healthy eyesightHealthy liver and kidney functionHealthy lung functionResistance to stress and fatigueGood circulationHigh level of anti-oxidantsAbility...

Availability: In Stock
Item #: hilton-herbs-daily-hen-health -

Daily Hen Health Herbal Support Supplement for Breeding Hens - 500 ml

Price: $41.48

Herbal support supplement for breeding hens Just the tonic for all your poultry! A balanced blend of herbal tinctures mixed with Apple Cider Vinegar and honey. The herbs have been carefully selected...

Herbal support supplement for breeding hens Just the tonic for all your poultry! A balanced blend of herbal tinctures mixed with Apple Cider Vinegar and honey. The herbs have been carefully selected for their ability to help maintain your hens health all year round. Strengthen shells, deter parasites, assist in the moult, support digestion, liver and kidney function and provide vital vitamins and minerals. Ingredients:1:3 tinctures of: Cleavers herb, Nettle leaf, Marigold flowers, Dandelion...

Availability: In Stock
Item #: hilton-herbs-apple-cider-vinegar -

Apple Cider Vinegar - HIlton Herbs 'human grade' apple cider vinegar - Natural Remedy

Price: $16.00

Our 'human grade' apple cider vinegar has a minimum acidity level of 5% Natural Avian Remedies Natural Bird Supplies APPLE CIDER VINEGAR has a long tradition of use as a health supplement for...

Our 'human grade' apple cider vinegar has a minimum acidity level of 5% Natural Avian Remedies Natural Bird Supplies APPLE CIDER VINEGAR has a long tradition of use as a health supplement for horses, farm animals and domestic pets. It provides a rich natural source of potassium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, iron and trace elements our cider vinegar is not pasteurised and may contain what are termed 'mothers'. These 'mothers' are formed during the fermentation process and are clusters of yeast...

Availability: In Stock
Item #: hilton-herbs-supersonic -

Hilton Herbs Supersonic, Natural supplement for High Energy, Antioxidants, Minerals and amino acids

Price: $15.00

Herbal Supplement for energy and shiny feathers Providing a readily available source of energy. Rich in anti-oxidants, omega, 36 essential fatty acids, protein, vitamins and amino acids. This oil...

Herbal Supplement for energy and shiny feathers Providing a readily available source of energy. Rich in anti-oxidants, omega, 36 essential fatty acids, protein, vitamins and amino acids. This oil rich supplement can be added to softfood to help provide a readily available source of energy. We recommend using this product daily during training to help improve energy levels and as a readily available energy source for all distances of racing. Supersonic is also ideal for show birds and for use...

Availability: In Stock
Item #: hilton-herbs-phytobalm -

Phytobalm - Hilton Herbs 'magic' Cream for Healthy Skin - Avian Medication - Bird Supplies

Price: $23.16

Soothing Herbal cream for skin irritations Natural Avian Remedy - Skin Support Avian Medication Phytobalm can be used on any animal. Our customers call it our "magic" cream. It is made using a Shea...

Soothing Herbal cream for skin irritations Natural Avian Remedy - Skin Support Avian Medication Phytobalm can be used on any animal. Our customers call it our "magic" cream. It is made using a Shea butter base with added herbal tinctures and essential oils including calendula, hypericum, tea tree and myrrh, along with honey and propolis from the bees. It is ideal to use for minor wounds, cuts, scrapes, abrasions or any irritated skin. encourages healthy normal hair and/or feather re-growthcan...

Availability: Out of Stock
Item #: hilton-herbs-immunity-gold -

Immunity Gold - Hilton Herbs - Immune System Support - Support Supplement - Avian Medication

Price: $16.80

Herbal Immune SupportAvian Medications - Avian Support SupplementsStrong Natural ImmunityFast Recovery RatesResistance to InfectionAnti-oxidant LevelsEfficient lymphatic systemProduction and renewal...

Herbal Immune SupportAvian Medications - Avian Support SupplementsStrong Natural ImmunityFast Recovery RatesResistance to InfectionAnti-oxidant LevelsEfficient lymphatic systemProduction and renewal of white blood cellsMineral, trace element and vitamin levels Ingredients:1:3 Tinctures of Echinacea Purpurea rootMilk Thistle seedGotu Kola leafNettle herbLiquorice rootCleaver herbRosehip shellsSeaweedApple cider vinegar Directions for use : Shake wellAdd 20 drops (1ml) to 100ml of drinking water...